I’ll bookmark this and check back if you have anything to try. Have another two Macs to try it on too (one newer, one older), but would have to run it off an external drive since those have even smaller SSD’s. I have 77.2GB left on my SSD (which I thought would be enough, even if I needed DOUBLE the 32gb SD cards’ size).

Right now I’m trying to make an image of a 32GB RetroPie SD Card on my Mac running OS 10.14.6, then have it resize to be a smaller size. SUPER excited to see you have the shrink feature now!!! since SD cards even by the SAME EXACT manufacturer (and SAME model/size/specs, even ordered form the same exact vendor – “sold by and shipped by Amazon”) can be DIFFERENT sizes over their production runs… meaning I can’t restore to the card if it’s even a few bytes smaller! Hello, I’ve been using your ApplePi-Baker program for YEARS with RetroPie images. 1 Disk unmounted.ġ8:43:10 Resize IMG - Resizing and Rebuilding IMG fileġ8:43:10 RESIZE - Attempting to RESIZE a Linux partition in the IMG file "Raspberry.img"ġ8:43:10 RESIZE - Find Ext2/3/4 partition and determine size and locationġ8:43:10 RESIZE - ERROR: No Linux partitions foundġ8:43:10 Error - No Linux partitions found I got this error: 13:08:47 No HelperTool Found - Installing HelperToolġ3:09:10 Drive added to list: /dev/disk3 (31 GB SanDisk SDDR-199)ġ3:10:15 Details Updated - Partition /dev/disk4s2ġ3:11:49 Backup Started - Making Disk to File Backupġ3:11:49 Source - Disk: /dev/disk3 (31 GB SanDisk SDDR-199) (30,777,802,752 bytes)ġ3:11:49 Destination - File: /Volumes/Backup/Raspberry/Raspberry.imgġ3:11:49 Shrink IMG Enabled - Temporary IMG file: "Raspberry.tmp"ġ3:39:22 Finished - Completed in 27 minutes and 33 seconds, average speed 18.7 MB/secġ3:39:22 Resizing - Attempting IMG shrinkingġ3:39:23 RESIZE - Attempting to MINIMIZE a Linux partition in the IMG file “Raspberry.tmp"ġ3:39:23 RESIZE - Find Ext2/3/4 partition and determine size and locationġ3:39:23 RESIZE - ERROR: No Linux partitions foundġ3:39:23 Resize Error - No Linux partitions foundġ8:42:44 Found Correct HelperTool version (1.4b)ġ8:42:48 Drive added to list: /dev/disk3 (31 GB SanDisk SDDR-199)ġ8:43:07 Restore Started - Restoring File to Diskġ8:43:07 Destination - /dev/disk3 (31 GB SanDisk SDDR-199)ġ8:43:07 Disk Presence Check - Selected Disk Foundġ8:43:07 Source - File: /Volumes/Backup/Raspberry/Raspberry.imgġ8:43:07 Source - Trying to determine source sizeġ8:43:07 Source - Size = 30,777,802,751 bytesġ8:43:07 Destination - Verifying Disk Capacityġ8:43:07 Destination - Max disk capacity is 30,777,802,752 bytesġ8:43:07 Disk Size Check - Capacity of Selected Disk PASSEDġ8:43:07 Unmounting - Attempting Unmount of all Partition(s) of selected Diskġ8:43:07 UnMount - Waiting for unmount co completeġ8:43:07 Waiting for unmount to complete.ġ8:43:08 Waiting for unmount to complete.ġ8:43:08 Partition Unmounted - /dev/disk3s1ġ8:43:09 Partition Unmounted - /dev/disk3s6ġ8:43:09 Waiting for unmount to complete. I just installed to empty card NOOBS_v3_1_1 which is based on Debian “buster” and then tried to backup it using ApplePi Baker 2.1.0 (91), Helper tool 1.4b in 10.14.4. You can find the latest version of ApplePi-Baker in the original article (please place comments there).

Not only that, version 2.1.0 is much faster than 2.0.0 – I’ve seen speed increases up to 300% during backup. Since quite a bit needs to be done (find partition, check file system integrity, resize partition, etc), this will naturally slow down the backup and restore process, but it will help restoring to different sized target disks/SD-card. Obviously, the target device needs to be able to accommodate at least the minimum size of the IMG file. On Restore, this same option will expand that Linux partition to the maximum available size on the target disk. This will result in a much more compact IMG file, and offers a restore to a device of a different capacity. Keep in mind: I’ve done quite a lot of successful tests, but by lack of beta testers, I’m still marking it as experimental.ĭuring backup, if the option has been enabled, ApplePi-Baker will locate a Linux partition and if found shrink it to it’s minimal size, and update the IMG file and it’s partition table (the source will not be affected). This update can only shrink or expand Linux partitions on a MBR partitioned disks (very common format used for the Raspberry Pi). This is something I wasn’t able to do before and is commonly seen as a challenge on a Mac (since MacOS does not support these Linux File Systems).

I’m very excited to announce that ApplePi-Baker now supports shrinking and expanding of Ext2, Ext3 or Ext4 Linux partitions on a Mac!!