You can download Mindjet MindManager free here. Mindjet MindManager puts lots of useful features at your disposal, features that will help boost your productivity. The application has a user friendly ribbon interface. Mindjet MindManager is available for Windows and Mac. Mindjet mindmanager 9 free download For those interested in mind mapping as a brainstorming tool there are far cheaper alternatives, but if you want to go a few steps further and use mind maps as an integrated productivity suite, MindManager 9 is a very useful, if relatively expensive, tool.

while MindManager 9 received 3.5 out of 5 stars from PC Magazine and 4 out of 5 stars from Macworld. There is no denying that Mindjet MindManager is a properly good, versatile, and user friendly mind mapping tool. Mindjet MindManager, Free Download by Mindjet LLC. This should be enough time for you to uncover all the features this mind mapping software has to offer. Mindjet MindManager is a properly good mind mapping software application that has an impressive list of features to offer: import a document and turn it into a map use a template to get started with a map there are numerous templates to choose from there are numerous editing options you can use on that template-based map you can save your maps in the cloud and thus have easy access to them you can export your maps as a PDF, SWF, image, or archive you can perform calculations and much more.įor an evaluation period of 30 days you can use Mindjet MindManager for free. If the ribbon gets in the way, you can very easily hide it out of sight. to MindManager Version 9 is available as an electronic download only and. When you launch the application, an example map will be displayed.Ībove this main panel there’s a ribbon with buttons for all the features and functions Mindjet MindManager has to offer. Mindjet Technology Guarantee entitles you to upgrade free to MindManager 9 if. The main panel on the application’s interface displays the mind map you’re working on. The custom option allows you to pick and choose the features that will be installed: Microsoft add-ins, dictionaries, RSS feeds, PDF writer. The wizard that helps you install the application on your Windows PC will ask you to choose between a standard and a custom setup. This software allows users to organize and visualize content for project. Mindjet MindManager is available for Microsoft’s Windows operating system and for Apple’s Mac OS X. Description: Mindjet MindManager is a team collaboration software application. Navigate through the map by expanding and. Its powerful features and very useful functionality are the elements that help all these millions of users be more productive. Mindjet MindManager Viewer is free software that enables you to easily view MindManager maps on your desktop. You see, this is a properly good mind mapping tool that is used by millions of people around the world.

Mindjet MindManager will help you organize information more efficiently, will help you quickly create plans and communicate ideas, and will definitely help you be more productive.