Though Board originally intended to release the game in July 2012, delays meant it took until March 2014 for just the Steam Early Access release. The exposure generated by the campaign helped to secure a publishing deal for the game. The campaign achieved its $8,500 target within 24 hours of going live, and eventually closed with over $17,000 raised. The game was part funded through crowdfunding, launching a Kickstarter campaign in September 2011. Board said that he aimed for the game to convey the "combined sense of optimism and dread of what science was capable of in the hands of humankind". The game is inspired by classic adventure games including LucasArts's The Dig and the platform game Another World, as well as by Cold War sci-fi B movies. The game was originally planned to be an action platformer, but as development of the story expanded, developer David Board chose to refocus the game to center on the story. The gameplay difficulty increases as the game progresses to match up with the player's skills learned from playing the game. The game contains platforming adventure and puzzles to solve. As he seemingly sinks deeper into madness he finds out he is not alone and the only other survivor is a Russian girl who supposedly is the cure. He explores through the planet only to get flashbacks of life on earth. The game follows the protagonist as he explores the planet and figures out how the Soviets managed to travel to the planet, and why the outpost is now empty. The mission is a failure as the ship is lost in the crash, the protagonist is unable to locate other crew members, and the planet turns out to be an enormous wasteland completely devoid of life however, among the vast emptiness is a derelict Soviet Union science outpost constructed on the planet. The game follows an astronaut on a trip to another planet that is thought to be filled with lifeforms. Lifeless Planet was in development since 2011 and is primarily the product of the one developer, David Board.

The game was released on Jfor Microsoft Windows and on Jfor OS X, and has been ported to the Xbox One on May 13, 2015, Linux on Maand to the PlayStation 4 on July 19, 2016. Lifeless Planet is a 2014 puzzle platformer video game developed by independent American company Stage 2 Studios and published by Serenity Forge.