The US beings as the attacking side at the US Conquest deployment, on the road next to the river. 1 RHIB, 1 Quad Bike and either a M1161 ITV or a LYT2021 depeding on what faction captures it. The Plantation also is the secondary location for the Team Deathmatch type gamemodes since there are two locations for Team Deathmatch, Squad Deathmatch, and Gun Master. The Plantation flag is farthest to the east and closest to the China deployment. The Plantation is located at the widest part of the river in the map and features a Palm Tree Plantation to the east with palm trucks, palm oil and fuel tankers, truck and oil storage, a platform helipad, and oil containers. The AMR-2 MID battle pickup can be found towards the back. To the east of the huts is the actual logging camp where various logs from deforested trees are gathered and stacked up to the sides of the road. The back portion of the Camp houses more huts raised above the ground. The flag is raised up above on wooden stilts/supports on a platform above one of the rivers in the map grouped with huts similar to the ones in the Ghost Town. This flag is located at the southernmost part of the map. The Logging Camp you could say is an extension of the Ghost Town but for the workers of the Logging Camp. The Ghost Town is the primary location of the Team Deathmatch type gamemodes ( Team Deathmatch, Squad Deathmatch, Gun Master) since there are two variations on this map. A Poison Arrow Phantom may be found inside one of the black crates, unlocking it permanently once picked up.

To the east of the town a small tunnel can be found containing various crates. To the west of the town is where a downed helicopter is located and the specifically made battle pickup for the jungle the M60-ULT can be picked up there. To the west and the east of the town is where the dense jungle part of the map is located. The Ghost Town has been made to have microdestruction to all the wooden huts in the area.

The Ghost Town is in the heart of the map and is where the jungle people were have said to live once throughout all the wooden huts but evacuated the jungle once the monkeys which were tested with the virus had escaped from the Medical Clinic. Also the M82A3 MID battle pickup can be found there. After a few updates, the temple was placed underneath the waterfall, moss was added, and cracks, pieces of rocks and microdestruction was added to the look to give it a feel of it aging and overgrowing in the jungle.

There was no moss, fresh coat of paint, no aging, and no microdestruction. In earlier iterations of the temple, it was an active temple. The Temple is located to the north of the map where it is covered over a cave and underneath a waterfall. When captured this flag spawns 1 Quad Bike. Also located next to the clinic is a dirt helipad and a container with a hand print pad where it is believed a room with another part of the Phantom Program is located. Littered with monkey cages, this is where the main theme of the map is located where all the testing of the experimental virus on the monkeys was done and where these same monkeys escaped from. The flag features a few mud huts and a main medical building that can be found on other maps used for different purposes. The Medical Clinic flag is farthest to the west and the closest to the US deployment. Operation Outbreak has no primary Levolution set piece, with the focus primarily on micro-destruction present at the control areas to influence cover and squad tactics. Vehicles on the level are regulated to more of a transportation and supportive role instead of direct combat, with each team's Transport Helicopter and the RHIB given the team that controls the Temple being extremely useful tools for navigating the map, while the MBT and IFV can be helpful for attacking and holding objectives. Long range and armored engagements are limited to the open roads stretching through the map and the five flag locations. Set in the bright afternoon of the Harau Valley, Operation Outbreak's terrain is made up of dense, forested jungle with generally short sightlines and several opportunities for flanking tactics and ambushes.